
Actuarial function

The actuarial function sits at the heart of the business, providing deep insights on data, quantifying liabilities and risks, informing strategic decisions and proving value-adding challenge.

Pink coral under water

We help clients to ensure that their actuarial function is firing on all cylinders.

We provide our clients with:

  • Best in class analytics tools saving significant time and freeing up actuaries to focus on adding value to the business.
  • The ability to outsource part or all of the actuarial function (including the Chief Actuary) on an interim or ongoing basis.
  • Market benchmarking and insight to enable the actuarial function to place its advice in a broader context.
  • Peer review for senior actuaries to meet professional requirements and provide a wider market perspective.
  • Skilled actuarial resource for key projects and busy periods.
  • Mentoring for actuaries aiming to make the most of their careers.
  • Regular Chief Actuary roundtables to enable clients to gain insight from market peers.

We have several individuals with UK Chief Actuary practising certificates. We also have deep expertise in providing the Head of Actuarial Function role in Ireland and the detailed requirements of the Irish Domestic Actuarial Regime, as well as the Appointed Actuary role and regulatory regime in Australia.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our insurance services and how we can help you.

Contact us