Improving member experience: the importance of listening
There is – rightly – increasing focus on improving members’ experiences when dealing with their pensions. There seems to be a pre-determined wish list with some obvious items: shorter turnaround times, online access, quicker payments. But what do members really value? What do they want to do online for example? Do they prefer to be given material they understand even if that means more sheets of paper? Or would they prefer email communications? Pensions administrators need to understand what members value before they know what improvements to consider and prioritise.
So it’s crucial to give members the opportunity to provide feedback, and listen to them when they do.
Offer a variety of methods
Allow members to provide feedback via email, phone and online. This may be done formally – for example using a questionnaire - or informally, such as comments given by a member over the phone. Make sure there is a system in place to record feedback, however it is given.
Act – and make any changes
Don’t just pay lip service to the process – act on feedback that members have taken the time to provide. Member feedback should inform what actions happen next, both in the short and long term. If administrators are doing a great job, let them know it. If a process needs to change, escalate the matter to the appropriate team. If there is a significant number of members asking for something in particular – for example online benefit illustrations – then consider moving that improvement further up the priority list.
Make it a continuous process
Make sure it’s not a one-off exercise – keep listening! Gathering ongoing feedback helps identify trends that may not appear obvious from ad hoc exercises. It can also provide trustees with greater insight into their own membership and the service it receives – which is increasingly valued.
Getting feedback from members and acting on it shows that you take an interest, improves the service you provide, and in turn enhances their experience – in ways that they value.
Ask your usual LCP contact for more details