Our impact

With our powerful combination of people, skills and technology across a range of sectors, we believe we have an opportunity and responsibility to play our part to shape a more positive future. We challenge the status quo by looking closely at what the data is telling us and we aren’t afraid to advocate for change or have an opinion. 

Dandelion seeds with droplet of water

How we're shaping a more positive future

We work across industries and sectors that impact the core issues affecting the world right now. We take seriously the opportunity and responsibility to play our part in shaping a more positive future for all our stakeholders.

Discover our impact report

We work across industries and sectors that impact the core issues affecting the world right now. Whether that’s through helping to secure better financial futures, striving for equity in our health systems or playing an active role in the energy transition, our work directly impacts people. And as a firm of passionate and curious people, we understand that our work has repercussions far beyond our office walls.

Here are some of the things we are proud of:

Campaigning for better financial futures

We have identified and campaigned for numerous ways to help people access what they are entitled to in retirement, from magnetic pensions to solve the small pots problem to identifying and helping people access £2bn in underpaid state pensions due to errors.

Mountains looking over lake

Powering possibility in pensions

We have a plan to harness the £1.4 tn of DB pensions assets to further benefit all stakeholders. Our idea which has gained traction across the industry and with the government, would lead to both a more secure pensions system, better potential outcomes for scheme members and sponsoring companies, and more investment in the economy.

Deep diving into key policy issues

Our white paper ‘on point’ series analyses and tackles key policy issues and our work gets attention from policymakers and the media. Our papers have included highlighting and quantifying the cost to the economy from the rise in long term sickness, looking at how the gender pension gap can be tackled and analysing NHS wait lists.

Houses looking out over a beach at sunset

Enabling a better, faster energy transition

We play a key role when it comes to the energy transition, advising policy makers on the best routes to get to net zero. We have worked on some significant projects to help speed up the energy transition including supporting National Grid with balancing the grid as it decarbonises.

Man looking through telescope

Navigating megatrends impacting our future

We think there are four key trends that will impact our future: climate change, demographics, technology and health. We have brought together insights on these megatrends to help businesses and policy makers navigate these shifts and anticipate opportunity in our Population 2050 hub.

White flowers in a field

Shifting health systems from importers of illness to exporters of health

We identified £73bn of potential government savings by achieving waiting list reductions in the NHS as part of our mission to shift health systems from importers of illness to exporters of health.

Exploring the evolving AI landscape

AI is rapidly evolving. We are not afraid to pose the difficult questions about how the future of our society and workplaces will be impacted. Our hub explores what the journey might look like, from how early adopters can get started, to how business leaders can capitalise on the possibilities AI holds for the future.

Making better decisions around ESG

We help clients understand and make better decisions about the ESG aspects of their investments. We have developed a ground-breaking dashboard within LCP Monitor to give them a greater understanding of the climate impact of their assets, and a clear steer to help them focus on actions.

Impact in numbers

  • 1200
    people committed to shaping a more positive future
  • £250K
    to be donated to charities by our LCP foundation in 2024
  • £1.4tn
    of DB pensions we plan to harness to help better support scheme members, sponsoring companies and the UK economy
  • £2bn
    being repaid by the DWP as a result of our campaigns highlighting errors which led to thousands of people being underpaid their state pension
  • £73bn
    of potential government savings we identified by achieving NHS waiting list reductions
  • 15
    awards won since 2018 recognising our commitment to DEI

Living our purpose

We also work hard on what’s within our walls to ensure that we are an inclusive, responsible and dynamic place to work.

Birds flying over a field at sunset

Corporate responsibility

We believe that creating a more positive future starts from within and we strive for continuous improvement in making the world around us a better place.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Supporting diversity is the right thing to do, but it’s also the smart thing to do. Nurturing a people-first, diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace supports providing our clients with the best possible service as our people want to go the extra mile.

Vision and values

We fuse human expertise with powerful analytics to shape a more positive future. Our values underpin this purpose and guide how we work together, with our clients, and with the wider world around us.

Beyond Curious with LCP

We bring a fresh take on the innovations and trends that are shaping the business world and beyond – from AI to Gen Z. Join us on the journey and discover actionable insights and ideas from a range of industry experts.

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