Press release

New way of calculating excess deaths will lead to better understanding of how health and life expectancy is shifting across society – Stuart McDonald, LCP

Pensions & benefits Mortality, longevity and demographic modelling DB pensions Demographics

Yesterday, the ONS launched a new methodology for calculating excess deaths. LCP played a role in shaping this.

Stuart McDonald, LCP’s Head of Longevity and Demographic Insights, and a member of the technical working group said; “Reliable estimates of excess mortality have important repercussions, as the analysis informs population health management initiatives and our understanding of how health and life expectancy is changing across society.

“We were delighted to support this important initiative, joining a technical working group led by ONS, with input from statisticians from across government and the actuarial profession.

The new method is a significant step forward, allowing better-informed decisions that reflect how mortality rates today compare to expectations. It highlights the normalisation of mortality rates over the second half of 2023, with death rates staying lower than expected for the longest sustained period since the pandemic.”

You can read more about the new method of measurement in Stuart’s blog here.

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