Claire Jones
She/HerI am an actuary with over 20 years’ experience spanning investment, pensions and sustainability.
I am head of responsible investment at LCP, and lead our work on systemic stewardship, engaging with regulators and policymakers to address systemic risks like climate change that could materially harm financial outcomes for our clients. I advise some of our largest asset owner clients, helping them to invest sustainably, implement their net zero commitments and undertake effective stewardship.
I represent LCP on the Steering Committee of the Investment Consultants Sustainability Working Group, and lead its Influence workstream which engages proactively with regulators and policymakers on ways to support sustainable investment and reduce the regulatory burden on pension schemes. I received the 2022 Alan Watson Award from the outgoing President of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for helping to lay the foundations of the IFoA’s sustainability work during my time on its Resource and Environment Board (2014-2019). I was a member of the Pensions Climate Risk Industry Group which published climate change guidance for pension trustees in 2021.
I am one of LCP’s spokespeople for Responsible Investment, ESG, Stewardship and Climate Change - you can contact me directly on +44 (0)1962 873373.
LCP consistently deliver a quality service in a way that makes my working life easier.
LCP Client