S2 Ep. 3

Beyond Curious with LCP: Taking charge and doing the right thing with Helen Dean

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This week’s podcast is the story of Helen Dean CBE, the CEO of NEST, the National Employment Savings Trust. Helen is one of the architects of auto-enrolment, helping to bring 9 million UK workers into pension saving. Helen recounts the detail of the challenge, from defining the concept through to seeing the first £19 invested, to the multi-billion pound national pension scheme that exists today.

Joining Victoria Snowden as co-host this week is LCP Partner David Fairs, formerly of The Pensions Regulator.

David and Victoria explore key topics, such as: 

  • Helen’s background, her early focus and her route to becoming a CEO
  • How the right partnerships can help an organisation become ‘unstoppable’
  • On making a huge difference
  • On the mix of skills and objectives from the public and private sectors and how this could be a model for delivering future policy beyond auto-enrolment
  • The power a clear objective has as a motivating tool for an organisation 

Useful links: 

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