Stewart Mitchell
He/HimWith over 35 years’ experience, working with some of the largest and best known international insurers, I help insurers manage reserving and other risks.
I hold a Lloyd’s Syndicate Actuary practising certificate and have significant experience in the Lloyd’s market. I have signed Statements of Actuarial Opinion for over 30 syndicates and have significant reserving expertise, covering the major international markets and all major classes of business. In addition to providing independent reserving opinions, I have led Section 166 reviews for the PRA covering a variety of issues.
I have acted as the Independent Expert for six Part VII business transfers and as the Independent Actuary for three Section 13 Irish business transfers.
I have also provided actuarial support to internal audit functions and have advised a number of large international insurers and reinsurers on improving their reserving processes including compliance with Sox regulations.
LCP have a practical way of looking at things and cut through the noise on essential issues.
LCP Client