Tom Veli

Head of Networks

I am Head of Energy Networks at LCP Delta with a particular focus on enabling distribution networks to achieve their energy transition targets. My objective is to ensure maximum renewables, low carbon technologies (LCT) and distributed energy resources (DER) are connected to the energy network at lowest possible cost.

I have extensive experience within the energy sector and is a multi-disciplined project and commercial lead. I collaborate with members of the GB energy system, including UK Government, electricity and gas network operators, to identify and deliver innovative solutions to support the energy transition.

I have designed and overseen a series of award-winning energy network projects that focus on domestic heat, power and transport LCTs, including the Freedom, MADE and Smart Energy Island Projects. These successful projects are the result of thoroughly capturing, executing lessons learnt, a deep consumer knowledge and engagement strategies. Critically, my knowledge and experiences comes from the practical upstream side (the customer) of connecting and managing LCTs, such as heat pumps and electric vehicle charge points.

Learnings and key outputs are regularly disseminated to and on behalf of Government departments in England, Scotland and Wales.

I have an MBA from the Plymouth Business School.

Outside of the office, I enjoys spending all his time with his daughters Ivy and Wren.