DC and financial wellbeing conference 2023 highlights
Pensions & benefits DC corporate consulting DC trustee consulting DC member engagement and communication DC pensions
Steadying the ship in challenging waters
At our DC and Financial Wellbeing conference this year, we focused on the key issues affecting DC pensions and savers, especially those due to the market turbulence of recent times.
We have compiled the recordings and slides of the sessions, so you can watch them easily on-demand below. Sessions include:
Chair opening remarks
Laura Myers, Head of DC and Financial Wellbeing and Partner, LCP
Will tomorrow’s pensioners look anything like today’s?
Sir Steve Webb, Partner, LCP
Click here to access Steve's slides
Life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors
Heidi Allan, Head of Financial Wellbeing, LCP
Click here for Heidi's slides
Where do members get help? Tik Tok comes to pensions
David Millar, Head of Communications Practice, LCP
Click here for David's slides
Five steps to better pensions: time for a new consensus
Emma Douglas, Director of Workplace Savings, Aviva, and Nigel Peaple, Director of Policy and Advocacy, PLSA
Click here for the PLSA's slides
Debate – This house believes that the implementation of a Value for Money Framework will be the best thing that has ever happened for DC members
Anna Copestake, Partner, Arc Pensions Law; Elizabeth Renshaw-Ames, Independent Trustee; Lydia Fearn, Partner, LCP and George Currie, Senior Consultant, LCP
Click here for the debate slides
We hope you enjoy watching the sessions again, or for the first time. Please do reach out to our experts, or your usual LCP contact if you’d like to hear more about any of the topics covered.
Employee Wellbeing – Supporting good financial futures
LCP’s financial wellbeing research is in its fourth year and is highlighting some interesting trends. These include rising levels of stress and anxiety, growing concern around everyday money management, and an increase in those feeling a lack of control about their financial future.