Pensions & benefits
International pensions & benefits consulting
We help companies effectively manage their retirement plans across the world, including local defined benefit and defined contribution arrangements as well as global plans for expatriates.

We explain the key risks faced and what actions companies can take to reduce cost and risk. This could be to reduce or change benefits, amend the underlying investment strategy or using insurance to remove risk or rationalising plans.
Our advice is led by an experienced specialist global actuary/consultant blended with local on-the-ground knowledge, where helpful.

How we can help
The key areas where we help companies all over the world, include:
- Global retirement plans for expatriates. We advise on all areas of these plans (also called IPPs or ISPs) including benchmarking or reviewing benefits, investment advice and strategy, ongoing strategy, communications, governance and trustee and administration provider review and selection
- Managing retirement plans in local countries. Through our global consultants we provide advice in all areas:
- Reducing costs or risks
- Moving from defined benefit plans to defined contribution
- Review local investment strategies
- Review of local providers
- Rationalising plans
- Removing plans from corporate balance sheet through insurance - Multi-country accounting advice. We consolidate retirement accounting under IFRS, US GAAP and local GAAPS ensuring that consistent approaches and assumptions are used across the world. This makes the process very efficient internally and with auditors
- Central reporting and governance. We provide advice to Boards and Global Pension Committees on their retirement plans around the world – measuring risk, helping to manage these plans and advising actions to reduce risk and ensure compliance and best practice
- Global M&A. Helping companies involved in mergers and/or acquisitions to better understand the retirement arrangements in place, the risks attached to those arrangements and how they could be restructured following a transaction.
As well as having a team of experienced global actuaries and consultants, we also provide on-the-ground local actuarial services through our global network, the Multinational Group of Actuaries and Consultants. We have worked with them for over 25 years and between us we can advise in jurisdictions all over the globe.
Get in touch
If you would like to know more about our services and how we can help you with pensions and benefits.